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Award: François Premier Medal

François Premier Medal

This medal is given to members who uploaded at least 10,000 attachments or 10 GB to SFK.

Members who received this award: 97
Weatherman, bulletdude, alloverthemap, Quietboy, jaybee101, fabiani, Tinker, trosha, motorbot, lasttrip, johjue120s, brooksie1946, smokeman50, smokyb, andregoto, memadnow, edstoddard64, Wheels63, siegurd, Phantom II, lornastuart, Gojira, Scope2351, joesoap, wicasa, supremorolero, glenn1000, Bidius, SnapNinjah, werner, samjanus, grogor02, mordum, PhilCigar, darklover, cootesmeer, man948, tvsmokelover, dannycad2001, jlenil, colinbell, george123, john23, ADA412, Fedro, NYNY10, mward180, Abandapart, newyork533, Popo2, kidglove, lasttrip2, Squirrel Hunter, herbie fried2, MicGio2, 5iveuk2, bobs894, madchenwillkomm2, karpov, bobafett, CrazySwede1966, whiterhino00, nottoosure, MNR__, DiscreetDog, Didier, jessicaalba7v, scooterman, Sir Raleigh Vanderpool, lobo68, splashy, cigart3, tiberio75, user0726, ilpl604, bradsubmale60, sfblgr, ptsd1, smokeymike5, happygilmore, cygnet, urkamamil, MagCat, Slsmike, RuEmerald, RachaelSMKaesthete, Gladstone, Juniorjunior, Hurrhurr1234, oren000111, CaptainVideo, silverwindmiguel, SmokyRad, JMS1984, Bootsmoker, capnolagnia0013, SmokingPreggo
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